The attainment of Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes areevaluated by the institute. For this purpose, the institutecollects data of students’ learning outcomes in so many ways.
Following are the ways by which, the Program Outcomes, CourseOutcomes and Program Specific Outcomes are monitored:
1. Participation in Literacy and Knowledge based activities, forexample- Quiz competition, Discussion competition, extemporecompetition etc.
2. The Online presentations organized by the Departments.
3. Seminar presentations and classroom group discussions by thestudents.
4. Participation in Regular unit test, Quarterly examination,Model exam, Surprise tests etc.
5. The University examination results are analyzed.
6. Students’ involvement in curricular and extra-curricularactivities.
7. Performance in practical classes.
8. Completion of assignments assigned in the different subjects.
9. Mathematical assignment completion.
10. Participation in Project work/Field work and PPTpresentation by the PG students.
11. Online Student’s feedback in the prescribed format.
11. The number of progression of students in next class oradmission in other institute is also a proof of attainment ofPO, PSO, CO successfully.