For enhancing learning experiences the faculty members haveadopted many teaching methods and ways; for example, lecturemethod, interactive method, project and field work method,computer-added method, experiment method etc. When required,teachers use the board presentation methods, especially inmathematics, commerce, economics and languages. Teachers usepower point presentations and Online sites during teachinglearning processes.Some Student Centric methods are given below:
(i) Project Methods- In this method, students are allotteddifferent project topics and under the guidance and supervisionof the concerned teachers, they complete theprojects.
(ii) Interactive Method- Classroom discussions in various topics are also conducted.
(iii) ICT Enabled Teaching-The ICT enabled teaching includesfacilities like- Wi-Fi enabled classrooms with LCD, Language Lab, Smart Classrooms etc.
(iv) Experiential Learning-Students do the socio-economicsurveys in Sociology, fieldworks in the environment projects,observations and measurements in geography etc. These are the examples of experiential learning.
(iv)Student Seminars-The seminars are organized wherein th papers are presented by the students on contemporary topics to
enrich their learning experience.
(v)Group Learning Method-Group Learning method is now beingadopted through online App based groups like WhatsApp. Thestudents share their notes and study materials through thismethod. Online groups are used for teaching learning process.They share the information.
(vi) Important Day Celebration- To enhance studentric centriclearning level, the institute organizes important day celebration.